Every year some really annoying geese walk into the 757. I’m not sure if they can fly because all they do is walk. They walk everywhere. Apparently it’s illegal to kill these geese. I think they know it. They walk in the middle of the street and cars are forced to stop for them. They get on my nerves. A whole troop of geese, that walk at a senior citizens pace after they have shuffled their way through molasses, decide to walk in the middle of the road. It’s longer than that last run on sentence. So guess what I do when I see em?

If you guessed “put the fear of Rob in them” then you are correct. I drive my car straight at those suckas. Dear PETA, I don’t actually hit them so please don’t protest me. I will literally drive my car right up next to them and make them shuffle their tail feathers.  They don’t fly out of the way, but they do hop and wiggle their feet a wee bit faster.

When I see these animals I picture the Nintendo game Duck Hunt. Remember the dog that would laugh at you when you missed the ducks? He was annoying too. You want to know what else is annoying? The goose poo. They do it everywhere. It covers parking lots and hides in the grass so you don’t know that you’ve stepped on it until it’s too late. I hate these vile creatures. They walk around this earth with no fear.

Deuteronomy 10:20 “Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name.”

If you do a search in the Bible for “Fear God” you will find a lot of verses that tell us that we should fear Him. I don’t like the idea of fearing my creator. It doesn’t sound very fatherly at first. I think this fear is a deep awe or respect. But I also think that it’s more than that.

Exodus 20:20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”

The fear of God can keep us from sinning. As a kid I had a healthy fear of my dad. I wasn’t afraid when he came home. I loved it. I would run to the door and give him a hug. But when I did something bad I did fear my dad. I feared that he would find out and that I would let him down. I feared that I would get punished. There were times when I didn’t do something bad because I didn’t want to get into trouble. My dad is incredibly loving! Some have said he’s the nicest man ever to live. He’s loving but when I made poor choices I feared my dad. I think it’s the same thing with God. God is full of grace and love. God is incredibly patient with us. At the same time God is God and we are told to have a healthy fear of him. Too many people walk around like those silly geese. They have no fear. They live however they want and then are shocked when their choices produce consequences. I don’t want to be like those stupid geese!

Have you experienced the vile geese with no fear? What do you think about the idea of fearing God?