Right now there is someone reading this and you don’t have a fat clue what your next move is. You know that you need to make a move but God seems silent.

Right now there is someone reading this and you are stressed up to your pupils. You are overwhelmed with life and it’s causing you to freeze. You are stuck because you don’t know where to start.

Right now there is someone reading this and you are hurting. Your pain is real. There are no easy answers to fix you. Medication may numb your pain but it doesn’t remove it.

Right now there is someone reading this and you are scared. You are scared of what if. What if they leave? What if the economy gets worse? What if I don’t find love?

Right now there is someone reading this and you are in a crappy situation.

Your crap will one day become your story. I know you may not understand that right now but if you want to make it through this you’ve got to believe it.

Often times when we read the Bible we can zone out because we know how the story is going to end.

  • There is no room in the inn for Mary and Joseph every time we read the story.
  • David slays Goliath every time we read the story.
  • Joseph gets sold into slavery by his brothers every time we read the story.
  • Jesus dies on the cross every time we read the story.

The facts don’t change. Because we know the outcome we forget that these stories are about real people who experience their crap in real time.

  • Mary was told she was going to birth the Messiah. That didn’t mean that it was easy when she heard there was no room for her in the inn. How would you respond if you were given that news? Would you shake your fist at God?
  • David didn’t know that he was going to defeat Goliath. He did what he thought was right, but he wasn’t promised that he wasn’t going to die.
  • Joseph ends up running Egypt. He didn’t know he was going to end up there while he was rotting in prison.
  • Jesus went through agonizing pain. It wasn’t easy. He even asked God for another way. He went through the pain and it became the greatest story ever told.

I know that we don’t know the outcome of our crap. I know that right now it sucks. I know that right now we want answers. But we’ve got to believe that God is bigger than our situation. With the exception of Jesus, the characters from the Bible didn’t know the outcome. They lived their life in faith. Their crap became a story that we now find hope from.

One day you will look back at your story and this moment will be a moment that helps people find hope. The way you handle this situation. The way you hold onto God even though it seems pointless. Right now you are going through crap, but one day it will become a part of your story.

I’d love to pray for you today. What is your crap? In other words what are you going through?