Yesterday I heard a song on the radio that received a radio edit. In the song they edited out the word God and kept the word damn. I think it is weird what censors bleep and what they keep. For example whether on TV, or in a song, if someone says a$$ and then follows it up with the word hole, the censors bleep out the word hole. Why is hole more offensive then the other word? What about hole causes the censors to hit the bleep button. I don’t understand.

I will say that I do appreciate the bleep button. Whenever there aren’t censors around I implement my own. Often times it’s in my head, but when I hear a cuss word I like to bleep it out. I started doing this years ago. When I was a teenager I watched a movie at my pastors house and the whole entire family bleeped out a cuss word in the film. It was after the word was said and they bleeped pretty loud. At first I was scared because they did it in unison and they forgot to give me a warning. After two or three bleeps I asked and they explained that it helps them censor things in their mind. This weird but simple action helped draw attention to the words being said. I guess it helped them not become desensitized to hearing certain words. Anyway, that has stuck with me and often times still today I will hit the bleep button in my mind. For what it’s worth my bleep button bleeps out a$$ and not hole. I don’t find the word hole offensive.