So today is our first full day at summer camp. We arrived yesterday at 3:00 PM…the students were great. There are 75 of us at camp this year! Our students couldn’t be better. They have been respectful, fun, and wicked awesome to hang out with. Some highlights that may later become a blog post are…

  • Bus driver with an agenda.
  • Toilets that flush while you are still sitting on them.
  • Camp food. It’s good.
  • Micro machine showers.
  • And why Rob cries every year at camp. I will tell you that it involves students becoming Christ followers. A Christ follower is someone who has a relationship with God by asking His son Jesus Christ to become a part of their life. It doesn’t mean that they are perfect or that they won’t make mistakes it just means that they are now learning to fall in love with God, embrace God’s unconditional love for them, and learning to do what God wants them to do. We had 13 students last night make the decision to follow Christ! And that my friends is AMAZING!