Last week one of my posts got attacked by a spam-bot. I didn’t have a fat clue about these vile creatures before this happened. When I went to sleep one of my posts had 3 comments. When I checked it the next day it had 14 comments. Later that day it was up to 105. Normally I would get really excited about a bombardment of comments, but these comments were embarrassing. They said things like “Great post! Want to see naked pictures of Katy Perry?” I don’t know how they work but a spam-bot attacked my site and left what ended up being hundreds of inappropriate comments. I had to download a spam blocker which removed the spamy comments and blocked any new ones from coming. Annoying.

The annoying thing is that they planted themselves on my blog and they wouldn’t leave. Even after I put up a spam blocker I got a couple of hundred nudy spam links. They attacked and attacked. Then once they got bored they attacked some more but this time they sent out the big guns…Viagra. I finally had to delete the post all together.

This event led to to the following thought. You know thoughts can be a lot like spam-bots. Whether it’s worry, negative thoughts about a person, insecurity, or lustful thoughts destructive behavior starts with our thoughts.  A destructive thought-bot plants itself into our brain and when it does we have two options.

  1. We can act on it and give in.
  2. We can fight back and destroy those thoughts.

My thoughts are so powerful. Sometimes I get tempted and I feel like I’ll die if I don’t give in. Is that dramatic? Yes. That’s how I feel. Thoughts are powerful. So powerful I will dub them thought-bots. Thankfully I don’t have to battle my thought-bots alone. Philippians 4:6b-7 “…but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Did you catch that? When we pray with thanksgiving the peace of God guards our hearts and our minds. It’s like Jesus becomes the spam blocker and destroys evil thoughts. Thank God for Himself! My thought-bots attack me but I fight back with the power of Jesus.

When a thought-bot attacks me I quote scripture, pray and thank God for protecting my mind. I’ve even been known to quote the Bible out loud until the thought-bot leaves me alone. “IF YOUR RIGHT EYE CAUSES YOU TO STUMBLE, GOUGE IT OUT AND THROW IT AWAY!” Thoughts don’t seem as powerful when I yell the Bible at them.

Spam-bots are powerful but my spam protector is more powerful. Thought-bots are powerful but my thought protector is more powerful. The sad truth is that I had access to a spam blocker long before I got attached. I just didn’t take advantage of it. The same is true with your thoughts. If you don’t take advantage of Jesus’ promise then you will get attacked and you will give in. I’ve found that when I am thanking God and focusing on Him I have a lot less thought-bots to battle.

Do you have a spam protector? Which thought-bots attack your mind the most?