Today I have the privileged of guest posting over at Kevin Haggerty’s blog, the Isle of Man.  Kevin is quickly becoming the Ryan Seacrest of social media. Let me clarify. Kevin is everywhere I look on the world wide web. I feel like I have to clarify because some people are haters of Mr. Seacrest. I digress. Do me a solid and head on over to his site. While you are there check out some of his other posts.

Big shout out to Arny over at the Analogous Truth. He posted a similar post last week that was ha-larious. He gave his blessing for me to post something similar.

Here is a snapshot of my guest post….

Last week my wife showed me a video on Facebook that featured status updates from the Christmas story. Seeing that video spurred on an immediate thought. Why didn’t I think of that!?

Now I tell you that because I’m about to throw down my own Mary and Joseph Facebook status updates and I don’t want to hear how someone else already did it. If I’ve learned anything in this life it’s that there is always room for two. We have McDonald’s and Burger King. We have Pepsi and Coke. I have twins, Reese and Hayden. My point is that I know I ripped this idea but I hope you will still enjoy it.

Now most scholars believe that Mary was a teenage girl. Take that into mind. The following is a Facebook account of the Christmas story.

Mary: OMG I’m preggers.

In this sense Mary is not using the Lord’s name in vain.

To read the rest of the post click here.