I live in a town home that is next to the woods. The other day I was putting our baby stroller in our trunk and from behind me I heard a rustle in the trees that would make a grown man pee his pants as he squeals like an eleven year old girl. The noise was so loud I knew it was either the T-Rex from Jurassic Park

or the smoke monster from lost.

I have seen both of those documentaries and they are scary stuff. It’s pretty much a sure thing that I am about to get pulverized and then wake up dead. At this moment I had two options.

  1. I could scream and run for my life. Everyone knows that if you do that you are going to die, so that’s not a good option. If you don’t believe me rent the documentaries that I mentioned earlier.
  2. I could turn around and face my fear. They say for bears you are supposed to either act bigger then you really are so they won’t mess with you or play dead. I figure if it was a creature of epic proportions then I better face it and then play dead. Hopefully smoke monsters and extinct dinosaurs play by the same rules as the bears.

So I finally mustered the courage to turn around and to my delight it was nothing more than a squirrel in a tree.  Those crazy squirrels make a lot of noise. They make so much noise it led me to the following thought. Squirrels make a lot of noise when they do what squirrels do. They don’t demand attention. They don’t beg the world to look at them. They just do what only they can do (be a nutty squirrel) and they make a lot of noise. We also have deer in our woods and the squirrels always sound way bigger and make way more noise then the deer.

What type of noise do you make? Not annoying noise that causes people to tune you out. Noise that causes people to turn around and take notice. It’s my understanding that God created each of us with unique gifts and talents. When we are doing what only we can do our life makes noise. We don’t have to demand attention. We don’t have to make a scene. We just have to be us. When squirrels are in their natural environment they make noise. When they lose focus and run in the street they die. I’ve hit my fair share of squirrels and they don’t die nearly as loud as they live.

Nobody else can be you. Be the person that God created you to be. Live loud! Make some noise!

What creature did you think was lurking from the woods behind me? Are you living a life that is making some noise? Have you seen Jurassic Park or Lost?