Babies cry. Being a new father I have discovered that babies cry a lot. They cry when they are hungry. They cry when they have filled a diaper with grossness. They cry when they are bored. They cry when they have to watch Vampire Diaries…oh wait, that’s me. Recently Monica and I read that sometimes babies cry because it’s simply fussy time.

Now here are a couple of observations that I’ve recently had about babies crying. The first is that I can’t imagine waking up crying. That would be awful. The second thought is that babies scream when they cry. They really need to learn how to cry quietly like the rest of us. Even with an ugly cry most people cry rather quietly. Not babies. They scream out “WhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Monica and I are trying to live out the principles in the book Baby Wise. One of the hardest things that this book recommends is letting your baby, or in our case babies, cry. After you have fed them, changed them, and put them to bed if they start crying then you are supposed to let them cry. Now when a baby cries it’s so unnatural to not run to their rescue. Everything in us wants to make them stop crying. I think the same thing happens with adults.

To Be Continued…at 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on May 17.