Just saw “Incredible Hulk” and here are my thoughts. It’s a pretty good movie. Better than the first one, but overall it is not amazing. I felt that the movie was too small. What I mean by that is it seemed contained. The fight scenes are in a park and then in New York City and they never leave those areas when they fight. When I think of the Hulk I think of huge over the top…picture King Kong meets Jurassic Park. Those movies felt big and that is what I wanted this to feel like. A park couldn’t contain the Hulk. I don’t know if that makes sense or not. Ed Norton does a good job as Bruce Banner. There is a definite chemistry between Ed Norton and Liv Tyler. The CGI is good. The story is pretty good. It’s a clean film (no nudity, not a lot of swears). So there is nothing to gripe and complain about. Overall I say it was a good popcorn flick but nothing to write home about. I give it a B.