Will Smith is the king of the 4th of July weekend movie blockbuster. Right now in life you can count on a few things, death, taxes and Will Smith in a huge blockbuster for July 4th. Think Independence Day, and Men in Black. The 4th of July is the biggest movie weekend of the year and Will Smith has the lock on opening a huge movie during this weekend. In Hancock, Will Smith plays a super hero who has a bad attitude. He doesn’t like people, yet he saves them on a regular basis. His life starts to change after he saves Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman…you may have seen him in Arrested Development, Juno, or Teenwolf Too) a PR Executive. Ray has the brilliant idea to turn Hancock’s image around. It is a great twist on the superhero movie.

Useless information plug: Hancock is not based off a comic book.

Hancock was a decent flick. I really like Will Smith and with the exception of Wild Wild West you can count on him to deliver an entertaining movie. The movie has a great cast and includes Oscar winner Charlize Theron. Hancock is funny, has lots of action, and a decent story. There are quit a few swears (everyone calls Hancock an a_ _ hole.), a lot of comic book-esk action, and Charlize Theron doesn’t like to wear shirts that cover the valley of her chest (you may find this as either a good or bad thing). For me the last 45 minutes of the movie didn’t hold up. It was entertaining, but in my opinion the movie lost it’s way. I won’t give anything away, but I wish they would have kept to Hancock getting an image makeover. When they left this theme the movie becomes less enjoyable. Over all I give it a thumbs to the side (read below for my rating system).

Rob’s Rating System:

Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.

Thumbs to the side = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.

Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn’t have wasted money on it, wouldn’t own it on DVD.