I’ve been really enjoying vitaminwater Zero. It somehow tastes really good but has zero calories and only 2 carbs. I was about to throw away one of their bottles when I noticed some fine print on the label. It reads, “for best results: stick it in the fridge.”

What does that mean?

What results am I getting when I drink this high quality H2O?

Are the best results to the product or for my taste buds?

I just happened to drink that particular beverage without ever sticking it in the fridge. I feel like I missed out. I also feel like that is something that is pretty obvious. I mean, cold drinks taste better…right?

Now I bet that you are wondering why I drank it room temperature? Well, it’s because we have a big case of them in our house and it doesn’t fit in the fridge. I keep forgetting to put a few in the fridge and I really wanted to take one to work. I drank it before putting it in the fridge and it wasn’t that bad. Which brings up an interesting point.

If with just a little bit of effort I could have received the best results why didn’t I wait for it? I’m reminded about how much I settle for things. I settle for something that’s okay or maybe even good but is it best?

The Bible records a time where the Devil tempted Jesus three times in a row. On the third temptation the Devil says, “Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.  “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

That’s tempting. The Devil promises him all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus could have settled. He could have said that it would be worth it. But unlike what I often do Jesus thought threw that temptation. If he settled for all the kingdoms He would have given up everything. All the kingdoms sounded good, but it’s not great.

In the moment it always feels worth it. It feels worth it to give into that temptation. It feels worth it to settle for something that feels good. That time you overate. That time you drank too much. That time you went too far. That time you chose to sin. There’s a part of you that feels like it’s good or you wouldn’t do it. In the moment it feels worth it.

It feels worth it, but it’s not the best results. The question that we have to wrestle with is why do we so often settle for what is less than the best results? It reminds me of my favorite quote, “If you want what few people have you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do.” – Craig Groeschel.

Are you settling for good? It’s not worth it.