Taking Back Halloween

I need some Axe Body Spray to grind. I know that the phrase is an ax to grind but I don’t own an ax. I also kind of think that people that own axes are one step away from becoming the main character to a horror movie. Even though I don’t own an ax I do...


Some people make insecurity their permanent home. I tend to make it more of a vacation home. I don’t visit insecurity-ville daily but I do visit it from time to time. For example… A couple of weeks ago I hosted Andy Stanley (pastor and author and amazing)...

Jesus Has A Thing For Prostitutes

I don’t think that I’d be a very good prostitute. I have a hard time selling myself. I don’t know if it’s a confidence thing or what but I don’t do well at job interviews. I also don’t like to be naked. I’m also not really...

How To Spot A Christian On TV

Do you have a dar? There are lots of people that claim that they have some dar or another. What? You don’t know dar? It’s like radar but instead of picking up ra’s it picks up characteristics of other people. I have Christ-dar. I can sense a...

Oh God

There are three ways to say “Oh God.” 1. Oh God, she’s so annoying. Oh God, I spilled the milk. God D@#^ I am so annoyed. 2. Oh God, where are you? Oh God, where are you in the hurricane? Oh God, where are you in that abuse? Oh God, where are you in...

The Walking Dead

Now if you are not into zombies then please stick around for this post. There is a point. I promise. I wouldn’t call myself a zombie fan per say. I have seen a few zombie documentaries and I watch them for research purposes. You never know when a zombie attack...