When I was in seminary I had a professor who said that the problem with teenagers today is that we don’t have hymns in the church. I adamantly disagree. The problem with teenagers today is that we don’t have human videos in the church. What? You don’t remember human videos?

Human videos came on the scene with Carman’s story songs. You don’t remember Carman? Watch this…

Okay, so now that we are all on the same page let’s get back to human videos. Carman wrote songs that were stories. He would talk through most of it and then end up singing for the finale. His greatest one was the Champion which featured Jesus vs. Satan in a boxing match. Youth groups across America saw this as an opportunity to change lives. I can hear them now, “what if we acted out a Carman song?” This genius idea led to teenagers over acting out every word of said Carman song. It was dramatic. It was powerful. It was the Human Video.

It worked so good that soon youth groups were over acting out other Christian songs. It was the ultimate grand finale for every good youth group rally. Soon though Human videos ran their course. They needed something new to take it to the next level. What could possibly help? Enter the secular song. Thanks to bands like Creed and Lifehouse the human video now had a fresh take. Enjoy…

So what happened to the human video? It gave youth groups something to do. It took songs to a whole notha level. It was amazing. If you are a church member then I say we rally together to bring back the human video. They were awesome!

I’ve said it before but I’m not really sure what satire is. I think this is an attempt at it. I haven’t seen a human video in years. I did really enjoy them when I was in the youth group. Do churches still do Human Videos? Did you experience Human Videos when you were a teen?