Critical People

I have wrestled with this blog for a few weeks now. I feel like I could never get it exactly where I wanted it. I have finally just decided to post it as is and see where it lands. Let me know your thoughts. I have a theory about being critical. I think that in a lot...

Blogging Advice and A Few Shout Outs

I wrestle with giving blogging advice. I have been blogging for 3 years this month, but I don’t feel like I’m good enough to give advice. Lately I have been asked more and more for some advice from people who are just starting to blog. I started...

I Am

I am…incredibly impatient. pretty selfish. I don’t want to be but I am. I get angry at other drivers. I often yell “JACK HOLE” when someone does something I don’t like. It’s my way of not saying a cuss word. It’s the first...

3 Questions

People often tell me that they don’t leave comments on blogs because they are afraid they will say something stupid. I get that. I often delete a comment 3 or 4 times before leaving it. I like the people who write the blogs that I read. I may not know them but I...