Top Ten Best Superhero Movies of All Time

At 7:30 PM on May the 6th I am going to see Thor. Now if you are new to the blog then you need to know that I LOVE superheroes. I didn’t grow up reading Thor’s comic book but I am out of my mind excited about the movie. It looks really good! Now I know...

Party Police

Earlier this year I helped write a script for a funny video we showed at church. It’s right up there with one of my all time favorites that I’ve been a part of. Some of the guys in my student community group were talking about it being their favorite and I...

I Believe In Hair Club For Men

I’m balding. Sometimes I think I’m healing from balding but then the wind blows and I realize that I can count the number of hairs on my head. The Bible says that God knows the number of hairs on our head. Some would say that makes me like God, but I...

In My House We Celebrate The Poo

In my house we celebrate the poo. Now let me explain. Monica and I don’t celebrate adult poo. In fact, in my mind Monica doesn’t poo. In fact all girls everywhere don’t. I think this develops when they start dating boys. You might be wondering what I...

The Most Epic Band Combinations Of All Time

So thanks to Entertainment Weekly I discovered that New Kids On the Block and The Backstreet Boys have combined to form a super group called NKOTBSB. They have a song together and my wife loves it. Now the combining of two super man bands (I refuse to call them boy...

Inventive Ways To Make A Baby Stop Crying

I have one month under my belt as a dad of twins. My kids are awesome, but my kids are babies. Babies cry. Babies cry when something is wrong. They cry when they are hungry. They cry when they are bored. They cry when San Antonio Spurs are on TV. At least my kids do....